Get Prepared – Before Early Spring Arrives
January 16, 2017
When do I Place my Mason Bees out?
March 16, 2017This weekend I attended the Good Earth Home, Garden & Living Show. I like to see what’s new and what organizations are doing/involved with when it comes to all types of bees. While visiting a hand full of vendors who had information and mason bee supplies on display, I engaged in conversations about mason bees and leaf cutter bees. I wanted to see how knowledgeable they were when it came to raising, caring, and storing the bees. I then asked how much they were selling their bees for. One vendor was selling the cocoons for 50 cents each, while another vendor was selling 25 cocoons for 20 dollars plus shipping. Their other supplies like houses and and nesting tubes/blocks prices were average to the ones I’be seen on several other websites. However, once again I’ll sell out of bees within a few days due to my low prices. My houses and supplies are cheaper too. Our mission at Urban Pollinators LLc is to get as many people as possible raising mason bees at a very affordable price.
The OSU extension service had a lot of information on bees which is a good resource to visit. Another booth I visited had several handouts which i found informative when it come to pesticides. visit their website, www.beyondtoxics.org and you’ll find a chart of bee friendly plants and a time line on when they bloom best. You’ll also find information about pesticides and how they impact our environment. I for one do not use pesticides in my garden or flower beds.
So now is the time to start looking for mason bees and supplies. I suggest you check out other sites besides ours so you’ll have a good idea of what companies are charging for their bees and supplies. I’m sure you’ll see that we have the lowest prices on bees and very competitive on houses and supplies. Look forward to you visiting our site at mason.bees.supply